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Nowadays a lot of people are used to buy products in a split second. Products that they don’t need in the first place. But bought because they were cheap or  because ‘they had a crazy discount’. We are no saints either, so we get it. We buy, because we can. But most of the time when you’re home again, the question pops up; did I really need to do this purchase? A typical example of the consumption mentality.

Buy Less, But Better

Luckily there’s also a group of people that are doing the opposite. They buy less, but better garments. They’re buying to enjoy their purchases for a long time. That’s also our spirit! Most of the time these items are made of premium quality. Products made with a quality-over-quantity mindset. We as a special luxury brand are doing the same. We don’t do any compromise in quality. Only the best of the best is our motto. And yes, often this means the garments are more expensive compared to fast fashion substitutes. We will not give you a lesson on economics, but try to portrait your purchase over a longer period of time. Is it still that expensive when you use them for 5 – 10 years?

The Anatomy of our Goodyear Welted footwear


The Goodyear Welted Construction

The Goodyear Welted method is very important to us. Above, we have highlighted all the specific elements of this method. And even more. We call this ‘the anatomy of our Goodyear welted footwear’. To get the best out of the goodyear welt, you need to use them a lot. By doing this, the welt and the footbed will form to your feet. To ensure the quality of this footwear, we work closely together with a small factory in Portugal. As one of the few, they are still producing boots with the authentic Goodyear Welted construction. A method that is not standard any more, but is still top-notch. This method, in combination with our natural vegetable tanned leather, is the perfect cocktail to achieve the best footwear available in the market. We’re proud of this, as we’re working with these craftsmen that are skilled and doing their jobs for many years already.

Best-Fitted Footwear and the option to re-sole

We also choose the Goodyear Welted construction because it’s the ultimate method that allows you to re-sole your boots after intense usage. The boot will shape into your feet, which makes your boot more comfortable with each step. It molds to your feet, so in the end, there’s nothing better than this. In fact, with each step, you make sure you get the best-fitted footwear ever.

We Don’t Like Compromises

Next to our footwear our bags, but in general all our products next to our footwear, are made to last long. And made without doing any compromise. We don’t like compromises, but we do like craftsmanship and high-quality made goods.

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